Rusherhack is a client for minecraft intended for anarchy environments. This client has basic features such as fly, boatfly, elytrafly, fastbreak, phase, antiAFK, autocrystal, and much more. People often use it for 2b2t, and it is known for its incredible support, and exceptional utility features.
Rusherhack was released by John200410 in July of 2018. He paid the developer of WWE hack to remake Nhack because he was denied access to it by Nerds Inc. Nerds Inc asked John200410 to rename the client so he renamed it to Trailer Client, and eventually Rusherhack. (Name Inspired by TheCampingRusher the person who inspired John200410 to join the server).
Plus is a unique feature which allows a Rusherhack user to have a cape with the letters “KEK'' on it. It gives access to certain modules which normal users wouldn’t have access to, certain client features early, and they get a special role in the Discord which gives a purple username. Plus can be obtained by getting 5 people to buy Rusherhack using a custom “referral code”, or by paying John200410 100$ in any of the accepted payment methods.
-Referral Codes-
Rusherhack is often remarked on because of it’s referral codes. The referral codes are used by players to obtain plus. Players often advertise their code in many ways, such as chat, withers, spawn, Discord, word of mouth, and even mapart in some instances. The codes mostly benefit John, and it’s a very good business strategy.
-Modern Day Rusherhack-
Rusherhack is popular across 2b2t and it’s clone servers, with well over 1000 users it sits as one of the most popular anarchy clients. The community is most prevalent in the rusherhack Discord server.
[Client Recommendation Scale]
[Great] - Utility, Bypasses, and PvP are all state of the art.
Buy Rusherhack at for 20$ It is ranked as [Safe] on the client safety scale. -Sources- Rusherhack Discord John200410 Wiki Entry (Minimal Usage)