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Write an Article

If you would like to write for The 2b2t Archives, then this is for you.

First, find a 2b2t topic you would be interested in writing, and then look into the particular subject. Make sure you gather notes to help start your first draft. 


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Part one: Preparation

After you have selected the theme of your article and done some research, the next step is to create the first draft. This will often be messy, but that is OK. While you are writing and polishing your post, it's best if you do deeper research on the content of your article. This means doing things like arranging interviews with players. Once you have done all these steps and created your final draft, you'll reach the final step of the process, aka, publication. 

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Part two: Writing
Part three: Publication

Once your draft is finalized, it's time to move on to publishing your article. However, before you can submit your post for review you first have to screen it. Make sure to remove any swearing, sexual content, and controversial topics from your prospective article. This makes it so that the archives can be accessible to everyone. Once you have done this, you can then go and submit it to

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