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What this site is all about

This page was created to directly answer any questions you might have about the archives and to inform you about things you might not know yet. One thing first and foremost to be known is that although 2b2t is an anarchy sever that does not mean that this site is anarchy too. 

"Even though 2b2t is an anarchy sever that does not mean that this site is anarchy too."


Is this a toxic website?


We do not tolerate and delete messages that include the following: Vulgar posts or images, bullying, swearing, or unrelated content.         Click here for our full Terms of Use.


How often do you release content?


We release new posts and features 1-5 times a week, often suggested by viewers like you


Why can't I post messages in chat?


If you can't post messages in chat then you have probably been mute banned. Mute banning means that although you can go on the archives and view it like normal you can not post messages in chat. The reasons you were mute banned may include, but is not limited to trying to post the following: Swearing, porn, political, bullying, spam (unlike the others spam only mute bans you for 7 days instead of permanently).


Where can I get priority queue?



How do I get a badge?


We give badges to show our appreciation to people who donate money to the archives. Getting a badge gives you a few perks to those who are invested in the community. some of the main highlights include the following: Those who get badges will have a badge title and icon appear next to their name in their profile and in the comments section, members with badges will receive a higher default position in the comment's section, users who donate will have their usernames appear on the user acknowledgements page. To get a badge click on this link here


I donated enough for a badge but did not get it, what do I do?


You should expect to receive your badge within 24 hours of donating. If you do not get it within that time period then email ____ explain the situation, and we will make sure to get the badge to you as soon as possible.


Can I get a refund for my badge?


Sorry, unfortunately we do not offer refunds for badges due to technical complications although we may figure out a system in the future we do not offer refunds at the present time.


How do I get enchanted rank?


Unlike other ranks enchanted rank cannot be obtained by donating but instead is given to active quality contributors. actions that can help you qualify for enchanted rank can include: posting helpful comments in the social forums to help improve the archives, write an article and email it to ____. if your article is chosen for publication it may be slightly altered to help it be grammatically, politically, and factually correct. Another way to contribute is to provide accurate critique in the comments section underneath an article.


What is the source of your info?


Here are some of the sources of our info:

The 2b2t wiki, SalC1, and fastvincent1,  


What is the meaning of life?


The meaning of life is not found by others and given to those who ask it. but it is a lifelong quest

that is only found by searching diligently within one's self. Only then will one truly understand.

© 2b2t Archives 2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to the owner and The 2b2t Archives with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


To view our full Terms of Use click here


DM me         @CryptoFury#6979

or                  @r/CryptoFury978

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