A player shimmers into existence for the first time. He takes a deep breath and looks around. The reflection of lavacasts shimmer in the water, a hole nearby reveals its dark underbelly, it's gaping interior being the product of a decade's worth of punishment. The player wanders around, exploring the beautiful post-apocalyptic landscape surrounding him. Then suddenly, a flash of diamond appears in the distance, but then disappears into a small opening in a lavacast. The player burning with curiosity runs to the place where the figure disappeared. He stares at the tunnel, filled only with darkness. He wanders down, down, down, through the choking blackness until he huddles in the a corner, scared and afraid. Then, from out the darkness, a flash of blue, a burning sensation, and then, silence. He, like many others payed the price of inexperience.

A screenshot of 2b2t's Spawn Region
This does not always have to be the case. Scientia potentia est, knowledge is power. The more power you have, the better chances you have to survive. This article is a full, in-depth guide to help you learn not only how to survive, but how you can thrive, and embark on a journey to explore the wonderful opportunities it has to offer.