Glitched items refers to items with abnormal properties such as untextured horse armor, mending and infinity bows, alpha snowballs, alpha leaves, books with tool enchantments, and more. These items are recognized as hard to obtain, and are not exclusive to 2b2t.
-Glitched Items Significance-
In 2b2t there has always been a sort of “economy” around glitched items. Their rarity has become a way for players to show off wealth or status as a sort of trophy, so players buy or seek out these items to either sell or collect. Shops have been made for glitched items and at times people auction them off with other unique items such as hausemaster books, and FitMC horses.
-History Of Glitched Items-
Some of the first glitched items in 2b2t history were alpha slabs, also known as petrified slabs in creative mode. These slabs were created because of Minecraft updating and the slabs which previously were attached to the ID of stone slabs which shared the same properties, stayed in the game but were reverted into an untextured block. While slabs were the very first recorded “glitched item” on 2b2t, mending and infinity bows actually proved to be useful. In modern day 2b2t, there are a large number of players who have mending and infinity bows because of dupes. Whenever the glitch first appeared on skeleton traps, the bows were overpowered because of their infinite ammo and durability.
When 2b2t was backdoored in 2015 and 2016, Itristian created stashes full of “illegal” items which in modern day 2b2t could be considered glitched items. Amongst these items people recovered enchanted glass, books with enchantments, stacked armor, and tools as well as armor with level 32,767 enchantments. These types of glitched items are well known throughout the community due to heavy coverage on Youtube. Some of these items survived, but not many due to Hausemaster adding plugins to remove the glitched items from the server. Items such as tattered books, and books with tool enchantments could still exist on the server as of 2021 but are hard to come by.
-Obtaining Glitched Items-
Alpha Leaves- In kits and obtained from other players (previously acquired by minecraft updating and messing up or replacing the ID)

Alpha Snowballs- In kits and obtained from other players (previously acquired by minecraft updating and messing up or replacing the ID)

Alpha Slabs- In kits and obtained from other players (previously acquired by minecraft updating and messing up or replacing the ID)

Untextured Horse Armor- In kits and obtained from other players, can also be acquired by finding dungeons that were loaded in chunks before minecraft updated. (previously acquired by minecraft updating and messing up or replacing the ID)

Enchanted Glass- Unobtainable on 2b2t, but stored inside of chests that when you open will be reverted into regular glass. -image could not be found-
32k’s- Unobtainable on 2b2t, but stored inside of chests that when you open will be reverted into regular tools/armor.

Books With Tool/Armor Enchantments- “u need to spend alot of time fishing for all of those books and then u need to combine them in the right way which you can easily mess up” -image could not be found-
Mending and Infinity Bows- Obtained by kits or other players. (Previously obtained in a specific version of Minecraft when a skeleton in a skeleton trap has a bow enchanted with both mending and infinity.)

Most players would see collecting virtual items as a waste of time, but some 2b2t players see it as culturally significant to 2b2t. These items have brought interesting history to the server and only add to the plethora of oddities 2b2t holds. -Sources- A comment on this post provided some useful information for this article (Player Anonymous)