Founded: Late November, 2017
Griefed: Late February, 2020
Coordinates: X: 5167100 Z: 10311674
Built By: The Southern Canal Corporation, The Melon Group, and The +X Digging Group.

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aaron_alvin, Auion, Breithan, Byrnsy, 1Charlie3, Cloverfrost, CytotoxicTcell, Dic, Drud14, Hammernaut, Hawkedonfonix, IronException, Jeanne_de_Arc, Joe24_terminator_80, Krobar01, l_amp, lik, MiningMinecraft, Myne1001, Negative_Entropy, Offtopia, OldschoolgamerX, Scribblefoxx, SKA2, Star928/SirSweaterVest, Thebesandsound, TheJudgeHolden, theloneloner, Toshie, Totaldarkness, Toysoildier, TwinkleTard, Vaxent, Willyroof, and xcc2.
Blah blah.
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