The Boedecken
The Boedecken was a beautiful base founded by CainsLaw after Exodus was griefed in early 2015. It started out as as a place on a small island, storing CainsLaw's and TechRev's valuables before they went to join Asgard 2. The stash sat there for months before it was visited again. Back at spawn, Valkyria was angry after Asgard 2 had been griefed, which started The 3rd Incursion. After Wrath Outpost had been successfully constructed and defended for a month, CainsLaw went his own way, coming back to the cache and stashing some materials. This was because Pyrobyte had used a backdoor, giving Valkyria infinite items to construct and defend Wrath. Cain founded Aureus City shortly afterward, which was tragically leaked by SnackyNorph a year later. The coordinates soon spread to Rusher groups as soon as the Rusher War started, and when Cain and the other members of Aureus found out, they banished Snacky. They were also forced to grief Aureus in order to prevent the Rusher Army from getting at it. If they had, it could have given them a boost of morale, devastating TeamVeteran and turning the tide of the war.

Aureus city
Shortly after Aureus was griefed, Cain returned to the secluded island that held many relics from Aureus. He expanded the stash, moving it underground using a grand staircase leading to a large room. Inside lay fully furnished hallways lined with chests, while the bedrock in the floor was showcased by a layer of glass. It was around this time that Cain decided to name the base Boedecken. The source of the name for Boedecken originated from a book series called The Acts of Cain, which is also the namesake of Cain himself. The excerpt that inspired him came from the third book, Cain Black knife: Eventually, when the 11-11 dupe was released to the public CainsLaw was well established to preform the dupe and made thousands of items. He started hollowing out a huge cavern adjacent to the storage room with duped TNT. This room would eventually become the lobby. Once the massive space had been cleared out, he started construction of the great tree that would become the heart of Boedecken. The tree was a schematic but had to be built three times due to the fact that the first two kept burning down. Cain was extremely vexed about the problem until a player by the name of Legato_ discovered pockets of lava in the bedrock that the tree was standing on. The pockets of lava were removed, and the tree was built one last final time, with a glass dome built around the top. It was put there due to the fact that Boedecken was situated just beneath an ocean biome. The great tree would have been poking up Through the ocean floor if it had not had the glass dome shielding it from the massive body of water. All in all, the dome provided a very unique aesthetic, and CainsLaw could now move on to the next stage of his plan. CainsLaw started slowly inviting new players, as well as past members of Aureus city on the condition that they would never speak of, or post screenshots of The Boedecken. This was due to the fact that multiple coordinate exploits were in use at the time. Eventually The Boedecken became 16 players strong. Notable players included Technometer Revolution, Jacktherippa, YellowstoneJoe, xcc2, AlphaComputer, and Beardler. The full list includes:
CainsLaw, Technometer Revolution, BIG DON MC, KillerCapybara, Legato_, YellowstoneJoe, BammerBeast, VargaGirl, Parthicus, Negative_Entropy, Hayor, AlphaComputer, Jacktherippa, xcc2, Exalted Spartan, and Beardler.
shortly after the lobby was constructed CainsLaw, Legato_, BammerBeast, and KillerCapybara decided that from the lobby they would have hallways branching off into four different sections. They split the work between themselves and started construction on the four branches.
CainsLaw built the west side, it being very industrious, housing a carpet and rail duping station, a chorus fruit farm, fishing station, a cow, horse, donkey, and pig farm, as well as as sheep pens for all 16 colors of wool.

A blueprint of The Boedecken
Legato_ built the east side having multiple unique builds having a library, bannergarden, submarine dock, music room, as well as several others.
KillerCapybara built the north section, he was very excited, his last big affiliation having been The Fellowship of the Diamond, having disbanded years ago. Capy pored his energy and enthusiasm into creating a single, architectural marvel, KillerCapybara's Cathedral.

The roof of KillerCapybara's Cathedral
It was over a hundred blocks long, built with a glass roof, open to the ocean, and illuminated by sea lanterns. It had Multiple pillars built with smooth andesite. the floor was decorated multiple precious stones, being adorned with iron, lapis, emerald, and diamond.
Bammerbeast built his own section in the northwest, having double mob grinder, a drained and refurnished ocean monument, a storage area, and a library with the floor made of enchanting tables.
Xcc2 and the other members at the base helped build a village in the southwest, it having a compass mosaic at the town's center, and roof that resembled a starry sky. The houses were very creative, each one being completely unique. Some of the themes styles included were: a french villa, a japanese pagoda, a cottage in the woods, and there was even a replic of Shrek's Hut that Negative_Entropy built.
It was at this time that Boedecken entered it's golden age, having multiple projects going on at the time, the underground city thrived.
that was, until one day, tragedy struck.
It all started four years ago in August of 2015 when a player by the name of TheVaultCurator had an idea of preserving 2b2t's history through a series of world downloads. He gathered together a few close friends and old players to help him. And thus, Project vault was born.
It started out with taking a world download of Wrath Outpost and modifying it to become the hub. Then slowly but surely world downloads started trickling in from different players and Project Vault began to blossom into a thriving archive of bases
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